lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

The Oceans

Oceans are masses of seawater which cover the Earth and bordering the continents. Oceans compose around sixty six percent of the surfaces of the planet and it is a big font of biodiversity and economic activity for the human beings. In the planet, there are five oceans which are Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, Arctic and Antarctic.

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Atlantic Ocean

Atlantic Ocean is a ocean which borders to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the south by the Antarctic Ocean, to the west by America and to the east by Europe and Africa. It is the second biggest ocean of the world and it was a bridge of connection between the New and Old world. Its name proceeds from a god of the Greek mythology “Atlas”. This ocean has different kinds of climate phenomenon every year such as hurricanes, typhoons and storms. In this ocena thera are many important seas such as: Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Caribbean Sea, Baltic Sea, etc.

Indian Ocean

Indian Ocean is a ocean which borders to the north by Asia, o the South by the Southern Ocean and the Antarctica, to the east by the Pacific Ocean and Oceania and to the west by Africa and Middle East. Its name proceeds from the Indonesian sailors who arrived to Madagascar. It is the third biggest ocean of the world and it has some climate events in its place such as Monsoons, Cyclones, etc; and even it has seismic activity. It is composed by some seas such as: Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Bali Sea, etc.

Pacific Ocean

Pacific Ocean is the biggest ocean of the world. It is located between Asia and America. It borders to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the south by the Southern Ocean and the Antarctic, to the west by Asia and Oceania and to the east by America. Its name proceeds from the Portuguese sailor Fernando De Magallanes. When he crossed from the Cape Horn until the Philippines, he realized that this ocean kept calm and it was very quiet and nice to sail, so for this reason, he called "Pacific Ocean". However that affirmation changed, because this ocean has hurricanes, typhoons and seismic and volcanic activities (earthquakes and volcanic eruptions). This ocean has some important seas such as: Japan Sea, Coral Sea, Yellow Sea, Bering Sea, China Sea, Tasmania Sea, etc.

Arctic Ocean

Artic, Northern or Icy Ocean is located in the Northern Hemisphere, exactly in the North Pole. It is a small ocean where it border with Northern Europe (Russia, Norway, Sweden and Finland), Iceland, North America (Canada and Alaska), Greenland, Northern Asia (Siberia) and the Bering Strait. It is a cold and even frozen ocean, where the temperature generally bellows zero degrees Celsius, making icebergs and glaciers. It snows a lot and it often rains. Also, it is rich in natural resources such as: petroleum and natural gas.

Antarctic Ocean

Antarctic Ocean is the last ocean of the world. It is unknown for many people but it is real. It is located in the Southern Hemisphere, where it just borders by the Antarctica. It has the same climate and weather condition than the Arctic Ocean. This ocean exists since 2000.


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